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Constitution Restoration
The Conservative Caucus
450 Maple Avenue, East
Vienna, VA 22180 * 703-938-9626

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On Thursday and Friday, April 7 and April 8, I was privileged to participate as a speaker and council member in a conference focusing on the need to end judiciary tyranny. We were able to give a big boost to the Constitution Restoration Act (CRA). Speakers at the conference included former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, Mrs. Phyllis Schlafly, TCCF Trustee Dr. Edwin Vieira, Mark Sutherland of Joyce Meyer Ministries, former Congressman Bill Dannemeyer, and numerous other heroes of the movement. A copy of the Declaration adopted by the conference here follows:

Howard Phillips,
The Conservative Caucus

Declaration of
onstitutional Restoration

The United States of America has been uniquely blessed among nations because it was founded as a nation "under God" upon Biblical principles of liberty, virtue, and self government.

The Founders in the Declaration of Independence emphatically stated the self-evident truth that God, not government, confers inalienable rights — chief among them "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

We, the undersigned, believe that America has been blessed, because, throughout our history, Americans have publicly acknowledged God as the Creator and honored Him.

We believe that America is in grave danger because, increasingly, the judicial branch of our government has become hostile to the concept of faith and to people of faith.

Where the contributions of religion once were celebrated by our government and protected as necessary for the public welfare, today, many judges are determined to prohibit any public manifestation of faith. Not only does this fly in the face of history, it also contradicts such expressions of civic religion as "In God We Trust" on our currency and the President taking his oath of office on a Bible.

What our courts once protected and celebrated they now forbid, under the guise of the "separation of church and state" — a phrase not found in the Constitution and a concept foreign to establishment clause constitutional jurisprudence prior to 1947.

The American people are being told to deny their heritage and disavow the truth upon which our Republic was founded. Judges are rewriting our history, destroying representative government and unconstitutionally forcing on the nation radical social experiments — including same-sex marriage and a culture of death.

We therefore call upon the Congress of the United States to exercise its constitutional authority to stop judicial tyranny – the revision of the original meaning of the text of the Constitution under the guise of interpretation. At a bare minimum, we believe the following is necessary to stem the rising tide of judicial tyranny:

1) The Senate should restore its long standing tradition by no longer allowing the minority to block a vote to confirm judicial nominees.

2) Congress should withdraw jurisdiction from all federal courts to hear any challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act, state marriage acts, or state marriage constitutional provisions defining marriage as a relationship between one man and one woman, which are claimed to be a violation of the U. S. Constitution.

3) Congress should withdraw jurisdiction from all federal courts to hear all challenges to the acknowledgment of God as a violation of the First Amendment Establishment clause, rightfully returning these matters to the individual states.

4) Congress must impeach and remove Supreme Court justices and judges of the lower federal courts who insist on substituting their own views for the original meaning of the Constitution.

5) Congress must impeach and remove Supreme Court justices and judges of the lower federal courts who base a decision of Constitutional interpretation in whole or in part on foreign law.

6) When and where appropriate, Congress should reduce or eliminate the funding of federal courts, the salaries of judges excepted, that overstep their constitutional authority.

Constitutionally defiant judges have brought us to a national crisis. Such activist judges have abandoned their legitimate role, usurped the authority of the other branches of government and created a tyranny far worse than that which the Founding Fathers rebelled against.

Therefore, firm measures are now required to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution from out-of-control judges bent on forcing their will on the American people.

We the undersigned appeal to Almighty God to be merciful to these United States of America and request His Divine assistance in restoring our Republic once again to be "One Nation Under God" with religious liberty and justice for all.

More Information: Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration

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The Conservative Caucus

450 Maple Avenue East * Vienna, Va. 22180 * 703-938-9626

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