Political Events Calendar |
Visit the
Current Year's
Political Events Calendar
Events will be added or changed as announced.
Got a political related event we should list--let us know. Scheduling an event?--Check here for conflicting events first.
January 1 & 2 Myspace.com
holds a mock "Presidential Primary".
January 1-14 West Virginia GOP Precinct Caucuses
January 3 Iowa Caucuses.
January 5 Wyoming Conventions
January 6 Fox News Debate
January 8 New Hampshire Primary.
January 10 Building a North American Union - Fact or
Fiction, Manchester, NJ
January 10 Fox News Presidential Debate in Myrtle
Beach, SC at 9:00pm
January 11 Cato Book Forum: The Mind of the Market-The
Case for Capitalism from an Evolutionary Perspective 12:00
pm Featuring Michael Shermer.
January 14 Let Them Live Rally at the Georgia Capitol
in Atlanta in support of Georgia's Human Life Amendment, HR
536. Contact: Jenny Hodges, Pro-Life Unity, 404-435-8852,
January 15 Michigan Primary.
January 15 Lecture at Heritage Fdn. Taiwan's
Parliamentary Elections: Who Won, Who Lost, and What It
Means 10:00-noon Washington, DC
January 18 Lee-Jackson Day.
January 18-20 Hunting seminar, Saint Paul, Minnesota
January 19 Nevada Caucuses & South Carolina
GOP Primary.
January 19 Students for Life
Conference, Washington, DC.
January 19 "Defending America's Sovereignty." 9 AM to
1 PM at Oklahoma Christian University, Oklahoma City
Concerning North American Union, sponsored by
Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise
January 19 Walk for Life West Coast, San Francisco
January 20-21 March For Life Convention, Washington,
January 21 CNN/Congressional Black Caucus Debate for
Democrat candidates, held in Myrtle Beach, SC.
January 22 Louisiana Caucus.
January 22 Lincoln Institute's monthly Breakfast Forum:
"What do a $6.5 billion art collection, the nation’s first
historically black college, aggressive lawyers, and
Philadelphia’s upper class elite have in common?" Find out
from speaker Martin Morse Wooster. University Club, 1135 16th St., Washington, DC.
202-223-5112 7:30-9:00am.
January 22 Attend the
for Life in Washington, DC. Join with 500,000+ people!
Walk in the March and attend the pro-life convention.
January 22 March For Life Dinner, Washington, DC
January 25-26 12th Annual Mid-Winter Home Educators
Conference, Hudsonville, MI
January 26 SC Democrat Presidential primary
January 28 The President's State of the Union Speech
to Congress.
January 29 Florida Primary
January 29 Television Training Workshop 1 & 2 at
Leadership Institute, Arlington, VA
January 30 CNN/Politico/Los Angeles Times Debate for GOP candidates,
held in Simi Valley at the Ronald Reagan Library. Submit
YOUR question at
January 31 Bob Barr speaks at Ripon College, WI
January 31 Cato Policy Forum: NATO's New Troubles:
Afghanistan, Kosovo and the Future of the Alliance 11:00 am
Wash, DC
January 31 CNN/Politico/Los Angeles Times Debate for Democrat
candidates, held in Los Angeles. Submit YOUR question at
February 1 National Freedom Day
February 1-3 Caucuses in Maine
February 2 Grassroots Campaign School, Reno, NV by
Leadership Institute.
February 2 GOP Primary in
South Carolina
February 5 "Super Tuesday" primaries:
* GOP Primaries in
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California Delaware, Missouri, New Jersey,
New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah &
West Virginia
* GOP Primaries in Michigan
* Democrat
Primaries in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California Delaware, Missouri,
New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma & Utah
February 9 or February 16 GOP Primary in Louisiana
February 5 Fairfax County GOP "Super Tuesday Watch
Party" - Location TBA. Call: 703-766-4GOP.
February 6 Ash Wednesday
February 7-9 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Washington, DC
www.cpac.org Thousands of
people, top speakers.
February 9 Louisiana Primary, GOP Caucus in Kansas &
Caucus Washington
February 10 Democrat Primary
in Maine
February 12 Lincoln's Birthday
February 12 GOP Primary in
February 12 Primaries in Tennessee, Virginia & Washington DC
February 16 The Canadian Action Party is holding a
nationwide day of
action, demanding that the Canadian government hold a
referendum on the SPP/North American Union instead of
enacting it in secret.
February 19 GOP
Primaries in Minnesota & Wisconsin, Primary in
February 19 Democrat Primary
in Wisconsin, Hawaii Caucus.
February 19 Phyllis Schlafly speaks at DePaul
University, IL
February 22 George Washington's Birthday (actual date)
February 26 (unofficial date) GOP Primary in Virginia
26 Democrat Primaries in Hawaii & Idaho
February 28 Reagan Ranch High School Conference, Santa
Barbara, CA,
March (Date to be determined) Democrat Primaries in American
Samoa, Democrats Abroad, Guam, Minnesota, North
Dakota, Virgin Islands & Wyoming
March 4 Republican Primaries in Connecticut, Georgia, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas
& Vermont
March 4 (unofficial date) Republican Primary in Pennsylvania
March 4 Democrat Primaries in Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas
& Vermont.
March 7 Democrat Primary in Colorado.
March 8 Democrat Primary in Kansas.
March 8-11 National Religious Broadcasters Convention &
Expo, Nashville, TN
11 Lincoln Institute's monthly Breakfast Forum: University Club, 1135 16th St., Washington, DC.
202-223-5112 7:30-9:00am.
March 11 Democrat Primaries in Florida, Louisiana &
March 11 Republican Primaries in Mississippi & Washington
- THIS WEEK Protests at Chinese embassies and
consulates worldwide to protest Chinese genocide in Tibet.
Join in! Tell your friends!
March 18 Democrat Primaries in Illinois & Oregon
March 18 Republican Primary in Illinois
March 21 Good Friday
March 22 Pro-Tibet demonstration at Lafayette Square
in front of the White House, 12:30-4:00 pm. Bring signs,
flags and your friends to support the Tibetan freedom
March 23 Easter
March 27-29 First Annual Cincinnati Homeschool
Convention Hosted by Midwest Homeschool Convention
March 29 The Human Rights Olympics Torch arrives in
San Jose to a great celebration, march and events
Info. This is the anti-Communist torch, and the Torch
relay exposes Chinese human rights horrors.
March 30 The Human Rights Olympics Torch arrives in
Boston to a great celebration, march and events
Info. This is the anti-Communist torch, and the Torch
relay exposes Chinese human rights horrors.
March 31 Anti-Tax Rally - 6 PM, at the Fairfax, VA
Government Center to kick off the budget hearings. Call:
April (Date to be determined) Democrat Primary in Alaska
April 3-4 Candidate Training: "All Things Ethical" at
The Flamingo, Las Vegas, Campaigns & Elections Campaign
Training Seminars Info: Tracy Dietz 703-778-4020
April 5 The Human Rights Olympics Torch arrives in San
Francisco to a great celebration, march and concert
Info. This is the
anti-Communist torch, and the Torch relay exposes Chinese
human rights horrors.
April 5 Louisiana's 1 & 6 district special primary election
April 7 The American Cause, founded by Pat Buchanan,
holds a symposium: "Russia Friend or Foe" at the Boulevard
Woodgrill Restaurant (2901 Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA 22201)
from 7-10 PM. Contact Marcus Epstein at pr@roberttaft.org or
call 757-375-0179.
April 8 California's 12th District special primary election
April 9 "Secure Our Borders" day of national rallies
and activities on college campuses. Minuteman Civil Defense
April 9
The Communist Chinese "Genocide Olympics" torch comes
to San Francisco for a propaganda event. Go and protest!
Carry signs! Apply to be a torch carrier! Support Freedom!
How to join the huge
April 10-12 CHEA Bay Area Convention in Santa Clara,
CA Hosted by Christian Home Educators Association of
California Info.
April 12 The Human Rights Olympics Torch arrives in
Portsmouth, NH to a great celebration, march and events
Info. This is the anti-Communist torch, and the Torch
relay exposes Chinese human rights horrors.
April 11-13 Vision Forum presents the annual Father
and Daughter Retreat in Pine Mountain, GA
April 14 Christian Boys’ & Men’s Titanic Society
Annual Dinner & Commemoration, Washington, DC
April 15 Republican Primary in Colorado
April 15 Tax Horror Day.
Work for the day when April 15 is just another pretty spring
day--repeal the income tax.
April 15-20 The Pope visits New York and Washington, DC.
April 16 The Human Rights Olympics Torch arrives in
Minneapolis to a great celebration, march and events
Info. This is the anti-Communist torch, and the Torch
relay exposes Chinese human rights horrors.
April 16 Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in Democrat
debate, at the National Constitution Center, Philadelphia.
ABC TV, 8:00-9:30 Eastern.
April 19 The Human Rights Olympics Torch arrives in
Portland, Maine to a great celebration, march and events
Info. This is the anti-Communist torch, and the Torch
relay exposes Chinese human rights horrors.
April 20 First day of Passover
21-22 SPP Summit with President Bush meeting with the
leaders of Canada and Mexico to advance the North American
Union, held in New Orleans. This is a follow-on meeting to last year's summit in
Montebello, Canada. Many protests may occur. The SPP is the
planning entity for merging the US with Mexico and Canada
and eliminating the borders.
April 21 TCC will hold a major news conference in New
Orleans during the SPP Summit. Details.
April 22 Primary in Pennsylvania
April 23 "Tax Freedom Day" The day you stop slaving for
government taxes and begin to earn for you and your family
April 22-27 Constitution Party Presidential Nominating
Convention in Kansas City, MO Info
April 26 The Human Rights Olympics Torch arrives in
New Haven, CT to a great celebration, march and events
Info. This is the anti-Communist torch, and the Torch
relay exposes Chinese human rights horrors.
April 26 White House
Correspondents' Dinner, Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC
April 26 Republican Primaries in Kansas & Nevada
1 National Day of Prayer
May 3 The Human Rights Olympics Torch arrives in San
Diego to a great celebration, march and events
Info. This is the anti-Communist torch, and the Torch
relay exposes Chinese human rights horrors.
3 Primary in Guam, Louisiana's general election for 1
& 6 district special general election.
6 Primaries in Indiana and North Carolina.
8 Canadian March for
Life - Ottawa, Ontario. Info:
Additional activities, May 7-9.
10 Republican Primary in Wyoming
13 Primary in Nebraska, Democrat primary in West Virginia
17 Armed Forces Day
17-18 Andrews AFB, Maryland Huge military Air Show!
19-20 Hillsdale U. Seminar in NY City: "Educating for
National Leadership: A Twenty-Five-Year Anniversary Seminar"
20 Primary in Arkansas, Kentucky, Oregon
20 Democrat Primary in Kentucky
May 23-26 Libertarian
National Convention, Denver, CO
26 Memorial Day (observed)
27 primary & Republican caucus in Idaho.
May 27-31 U.S. Model
Congress, Washington, DC
31 Virginia State Republican Convention in Richmond,
1 Puerto Rico Democrat Primary
3 Primaries in Alabama, California, Iowa, Montana, New
Mexico, South Dakota, also New
Mexico GOP Caucus.
3-5 Capitol Hill Job Seminar, Arlington, VA by
Leadership Institute
4 The 19th anniversary of the Tiananmen Freedom
Demonstrations, and the bloody assault by the dictators.
6 Republican Primary in Hawaii
6 Primary in Virginia
6-8 The Future of Freedom Foundation presents the
"Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties"
conference, Reston VA Hyatt Regency Info: 703-934-6101
9 Republican Primary in Montana
9-15 PorcFest 2008 in New Hampshire. A festival for
supporters and those interested in the Free State Project
12-14 Candidate Training: "The Art of
Political Campaigning", Washington Marriott, Campaigns &
Elections Campaign Training Seminars Info: Tracy Dietz
June 14 Flag Day:
our flag and the liberties it represents.
18-21 National High School Leadership Conference in
Washington, DC, sponsored by
America's Foundation
2-6 "Revolution 4 Freedom Festival" at Lamphere Ranch
Campground, Sturgis, South Dakota
Info Billed at the "Patriots Western Woodstock".
4 Celebrate Independence Day
4 Huge 4th of July Conservative "Soirée"
Sponsored by Leadership
Institute, N. VA.
4 What's your July 4th event? Let us post it for you here.
July 9-12 The Revolution March in Washington
DC. Big rally on the 12th, with citizen-lobbying training on
the 9th & 10th, and a day of Congressional visits on the
11th to lobby against the North American Union, amnesty and
other issues. Ron Paul, Howard
Phillips and others will speak.
10-11 15th Annual Eagle Forum Collegians Leadership Summit,
Washington DC at the Heritage Foundation.
20-25 Cato University, Rancho Bernardo Inn, San Diego,
CA Info.
28-Aug 1 Campaign Manager School, Arlington, VA by
Leadership Institute
August 3-9 The 30th National Conservative Student
Conference, Washington, DC, sponsored by
America's Foundation
August 8-24 The Communist Chinese "Genocide" Olympics held in Beijing.
August 8 Big protest at Chinese Embassy in Washington DC and
other cities across world with important speakers.
August 9-18 Vision Forum presents the Father and Son
Retreat, Crooked Creek Ranch, CO
August 25-28 Democrat
National Convention, Denver, CO
August 25-28 Massive anti-illegal immigration protest in
Denver during Dem Convention. Info:
August 31-September 2 Ron Paul's Rally for the Republic,
Minneapolis, MN Huge rally and educational event featuring
Ron Paul and fellow conservatives while the GOP meets for
their convention
September 1-4 GOP
National Convention, Minneapolis, MN
September 2 Howard Phillips
speaks at Ron Paul's Rally For The Republic in Minneapolis
September 2 Sacramento, CA – The Minutemen Civil
Defense Corp and Save Our State, will host a day of
protesting and lobbying at the State Capitol North steps on
September 2nd from 10:30am to 3:30pm.
September 9 Lincoln Institute Breakfast Forum, 7:30 -
9:00AM at the University Club of Washington, DC, 1135 16th
S., NW WDC 20036. Speaker: Darin Waters, Ph.D. candidate at
UNC-Chapel Hill. "Blacks and the Vanderbilts in Asheville,
North Carolina."
www.lincolnreview.com 202-223-5112
September 17 Constitution Day:
the anniversary of the signing of the
September 17 TCC's
Annual Constitution Day Event, Hyatt Arlington
Hotel, 1325 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209
6:30-10 pm Learn more about the Constitution
- September 18-21 Conservative
Leadership Conference in Las Vegas
- September 26 PBS Presidential
debate at the University of Mississippi Oxford, Miss.
9:00 EDT
October 2 50th Anniversary Celebration of the John
Birch Society Info.
2 PBS Vice Presidential debate in St. Louis, MO at
Washington Univ. 9 PM EDT
7 NBC Presidential debate in Nashville, TN at Belmont
Univ. 9:00 PM EDT
15 CBS Presidential debate in Hempstead, NY at Hofstra
Univ. 9:00 PM EDT
October 13 Columbus Day: Celebrate the exciting discovery of the New
World which led to the founding of the greatest nation on
Earth, the United States of America!
October 20-25 Christian Filmmakers Academy & Film
Festival in San Antonio, TX Vision Forum
October 23 Grassroots Get-Out-The-Vote Workshop
Baltimore, MD
4 Election Day
- Please vote!
November 8-9 Broadcast Journalism School in Arlington
VA, Leadership Institute
November 9 19th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin
Wall! Freedom wins!
November 8-9 Broadcast Journalism School Arlington, VA
November 8 Regional Leadership Meeting, Providence, RI
by National Center for Family Integrated Churches
November 11 Veterans Day Honor the vets who
fought for our freedom.
November 11 Lincoln Institute Breakfast Forum with Dr.
Alan L. Gropman 7:30-9:00 am,
University Club, 1135 16th Street, NW, Washington, D.C.
lincolnreview.com or 703-759-4278.
November 11-December 28 Exhibition - Invasion 68:
at Katzen Arts Center at American University: photos of the
1968 Soviet invasion of Prague that ended the political
liberation of Czechoslovakia.
November 14 Introduction to Television Techniques &
On-camera Television Workshop Arlington, VA www.leadershipinstitute.org
November 14-15 West Coast Leadership Conference
Santa Barbara, California
November 15 Oklahomans for Initiative Rights holds a
conference on restoring the iniative in OK. Oklahoma
City. www.ok4ir.org
November 16 Obama's resignation from the US Senate
November 17, Heritage Foundation
event: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack: Another Tool for
America's Enemies, 11:00 AM
November 17-19 Conservative Career Workshop Arlington,
www.leadershipinstitute.org "How to get a job on Capitol
November 18 (week of) Recount in Minnesota Senate race
November 18 Radical environmentalists march in DC
amidst freezing weather & snow flurries.
November 18 Congressional "Lame Duck" session to convene.
November 19 On-camera Television Workshop Arlington,
November 19, Heritage Foundation
event: Human Rights in China and Vietnam, 2:00 PM
November 19 Young American
Broadcasters holds a student conference for aspiring
journalists. At National Association of Broadcasters in
Washington, DC.
November 20 10th Annual Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom
Awards Reception, co-hosted by the Victims of Communism
Memorial Foundation and the Embassy of Ukraine
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm at the Embassy of Ukraine, 3350 M Street,
NW Washington, DC 20007 Info:
November 20 Missouri Eagle Forum Event, 7pm
November 20 Book Discussion of Funding Fathers: The
Unsung Heroes of the Conservative Movement w/RON ROBINSON,
Young America's Foundation, AARON DORFMAN, National
Committee for Responsive Philanthropy and JOHN J. MILLER,
National Review - Noon-2 PM, Hudson Institute, Washington,
D.C. Headquarters. Free 202-974-2424.
November 21-23 H.L. Mencken Club presents: 15
prominent conservative scholars, authors, and political
scientists--The theme, "The Egalitarian Temptation"
encompasses "World War I and the Collapse of the Old Order,"
classical education, civics education, "Equality and
Immigration," Mencken, and Nietzsche. Holiday Inn/BWI, 890 Elkridge Landing Road, Linthicum, MD.
November 21-23 North American Regional Meeting of the
Trilateral Commission, Ottawa, Ontario.
November 22 "End The Fed" Rallies will be held in the
following 39 cities: Boston, Philadelphia, New York City,
Buffalo, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Richmond,
Baltimore, Charlotte, Atlanta, Birmingham, Jacksonville,
Miami, Nashville, New Orleans, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis,
Little Rock, Louisville, Memphis, Minneapolis, Helena,
Kansas City, Denver, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Dallas, El Paso,
Houston, San Antonio, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Phoenix,
Portland, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Washington, D.C.
Ron Paul will be participating in Houston, TX,
Constitution Party Vice-Presidential candidate, Darrell
Castle, will be the guest speaker in Kansas City, MO, Alex
Jones in Dallas, TX, and
G. Edward Griffin in Los Angeles, CA
www.constitutionparty.com and
November 23 Nationwide elections for governor,
legislative and mayoral races in Venezuela; where
Chavez's party is expected to suffer great losses!
November 27 Thanksgiving Day
December 1-4 Public Relations School Arlington, VA
December 2 Senatorial Runoff Election in Georgia.
December 2 Ann Coulter speaks at New York University,
NY Info.
December 2 Ron Robinson and Nicole Hoplin speak at the
Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C.
December 2-3 The (Bill) Clinton Global Initiative
holds a meeting in Hong Kong.
December 3 Wednesday Wakeup Club Breakfast Arlington, VA
www.leadershipinstitute.org 7:30am featuring John Fund,
Columnist for the Wall Street Journal
December 3 Ann Coulter speaks at the College of New
Jersey, NJ
December 4 Bay Buchanan will speak on need of
conservatives to stand up for their beliefs, and not back
down when attacked by their liberal professors or peers.
7:30pm at the Johnson Center of the Fairfax campus of
George Mason University on the 3rd floor, meeting
room G Info:
http://mason.yafva.org (434) 420-6323
December 5 Public Speaking Workshop Arlington, VA
December 5-6 Regional NCFIC Conference, Wake Forest, NC
by National Center for Family Integrated Churches
December 5-8 Virginia GOP's Annual "Advance 2008" Event
& State Central Committee meeting, The
Homestead, Hot Springs, VA
Info. "Recap the 2008 elections and plan for the 2009
December 6 Louisiana Congressional Elections: 2nd
and 4th Districts.
December 6 The John Birch Society holds their 50th
Anniversary Banquet at the DoubleTree Hotel in Sacramento.
December 7 Pearl Harbor Day We must never
America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
December 8-12 Future Candidate School Arlington, VA
10 Supreme Court to review case regarding Obama's
birth certificate. Info
at WND.
December 11-12 Democrat National Committee State
Democratic Chairs and Executive Committee meet in San Diego,
December 12 President Bush gives commencement address
at Texas A&M University.
December 12-13 The Constitution Party National
Committee meeting will be held in Orlando, Florida at the
Embassy Suites – Orlando Airport, 5835 T.G. Lee Boulevard,
Orlando FL 32822.
December 13-19 Move America Forward's National Bus
Tour in support of our troops visits the following cities.
Info. 12/13
Sacramento, CA at Crocker Museum Parking Lot and Parade to
Capitol 216 O St. (lot at 2nd and N), 12/14
Henderson, NV Rally at American Legion Post 40 425 E. Van
Wagenen St. 12/15 Phoenix, AZ Rally at Veterans of Foreign
Wars 804 E. Purdue Ave. 12/15 El Paso, TX Rally at Wal-Mart
Supercenter 4530 Transmountain Dr. 12/16 San Antonio, TX
Rally at Wal-Mart 1430 Austin Hwy. 12/16 Austin, TX Rally at
Wal-Mart 1030 Norwood Park Blvd. 12/17 Houston, TX Rally at
Wal-Mart 4810 Highway 6 N #A. 12/18 Baton Rouge, LA Rally at
Wal-Mart 14507 Plank Rd (Baker). 12/18 Mobile, AL Rally at
Eastern Shore Shopping Cener 30500 State Hwy 181 #451. 12/19
Tallahassee, FL Rally at Governor's Square Mall 1400
Apalachee Pkwy. 12/19 Jacksonville, FL TBA.
December 15 Members of the U.S. Electoral College meet in
each state to cast their votes for President and Vice
December 22 First day of Hanukkah.
December 25 Christmas Day - Keep the Christ in
Got an event?
Let us know!
TCC does not necessarily endorse these events but lists them
as a public service for you.
Accuracy cannot be promised, check first.
Volunteer Opportunities |
invite you to look at our many opportunities for
conservatives to lend a hand towards restoring our
Constitutional Republic. We have projects you can do
from home, school, or at our headquarters. |
It takes only a moment to
sign up
to receive our legislative alert emails!
There are many ways YOU can help from home or
Here are the most important ways you can help.
- Citizen Lobbying: You are
invited to be a citizen lobbyist, helping on our
Legislative Action Items
using a variety of Citizen Lobbying Methods.
Check out the issues and help any way you can, and encourage your friends to
help as well. Contact us for more ideas, and be sure to
sign up to receive our
legislative alert emails.
- Webmaster Volunteer Assistant:
If you have experience with
webmastering, blogging or computer graphics, you can assist in updating and improving
our websites. We maintain a great many links to Congress, for example,
which must be frequently updated, and you can create new graphics and
special effects. You can work from home on many web
projects to make our site more effective, and you will receive recognition
for your efforts. The website promotion projects described below (WEB
valuable as well.
- Television Production Volunteer Editor: Are you skilled
in video editing and special effects? Assistance in creating custom
footage, logos, and animations for our weekly conservative television program
and other video projects would be greatly
appreciated, and you will receive credit in the show.
- Television Volunteer Camera Operator:
We are looking for video footage to which
you shot or own the rights concerning the Mexican border and China for
upcoming projects. Let us know what you have or can shoot for us. You will receive credit in the show.
- Media Research Volunteer Assistant: There are many media-related
projects you can do from home, such as assistance in promoting news
conferences, compiling and updating contact lists of reporters, etc.
You can even call reporters and find their interests. Skills:
familiarity with how to use the media, willingness to do a lot of phone and
web research.
- Voting Record Volunteer Researcher: Your time spent in
researching and compiling voting records on important issues can make a
great difference in educating voters on how their elected officials actually
vote. The results will appear in our website, publications, and even
in the media. Much of the research can be done on the internet, and
for some information you may need to call Congressional offices and
policy organizations.
- Other Research Projects: Research of people and organizations in
the news may help identify additional coalition members for
our projects.
- Fundraising: We can pay commissions for fundraising, whether large or
small amounts.
Interested in helping with any of these
activities? Please contact Art Harman
or Charles Orndorff at 703-938-9626, or
write to The Conservative Caucus, 450 Maple
Avenue East, Suite 309, Vienna, VA 22180.
There are many projects we need help with at our
headquarters in Vienna, VA. These include research projects, clerical support
tasks, and many other projects, all of which contribute greatly to our
Interested in helping at
our office? Please contact Art Harman
or Charles Orndorff at 703-938-9626, or
write to The Conservative Caucus, 450 Maple
Avenue East, Suite 309, Vienna, VA 22180.
Do you like this site? Has it been valuable
for you? Wouldn't you like others to find us too? Read how just a few minutes of
your time every month, week or even every day can make a big difference!
Cutting the size and power of government is a goal we all share.
We are looking for volunteers to help even more conservatives find and use our
great resources. Here's a few ways you can be of great help:
- E-Mail your friends and associates about our sites:
www.howardphillips.com -- tell them how much YOU
like it, and suggest they visit.
- Go to your favorite chat rooms, blogs, news groups, and discussion
web sites like Free Republic -- particularly those you visit regularly anyway -- and post
messages about how valuable YOU have found this site, or post messages about
our articles and TV shows which you want others to know about too. Include the link to our site
and/or a specific page. Newspaper sites often have comments sections on
each news story. Hint: news stories linked from the Drudge
Report reach millions of viewers.
- Webmasters: We would be grateful if you would add a link to
us on any web pages which you run. Here's some graphics you can use:
Mini Logo: 96x26 pixels |
Standard size
banner: 468x60 pixels Click for full size |
Just copy the graphic and link
the banner to http://www.conservativeusa.org
- List our websites in church bulletins and political newsletters.
- Next time you go to a local political or civic group or club, announce our address to
the group, or make up a simple flier and hand out copies.
- Let students and teachers
know they can find lots of political information
here--great for research projects! We also have a good section of
historical U.S. documents including a few which are hard to
- Watch our videos on
Youtube, send your friends the links, add links to
websites and Myspace/Facebook/etc. pages, and blog about
the show.
Thank you for your interest in helping more people learn about our valuable resources.
Please let us know if you are helping on any of these projects, or any other ways
you are using the resources at our site.
Left-wing organizations often
receive millions of dollars in taxpayer grants, and they
also enjoy favorable coverage from the liberal media.
Conservative organizations therefore rely even more on the
generosity of individual Americans like you.
Donations of
money or
computers and other items are an extremely valuable way you can assist our efforts to
cut government power, slash taxes, and restore our Constitution. Please help!
We produce a nationwide conservative television program using a
volunteer crew. If you live in the Washington D.C. area and have experience or a
strong interest in television production, motion pictures, theater, audio recording, radio,
photography, church a/v, lighting, makeup, and related fields; let us know because we are looking for
additional volunteers. We can even provide some training. Use your skills to advance the
conservative cause!
About the
conservative TV program | Got
broadcast video or audio equipment to donate? |
Contact us for more information
Find out how a few minutes of your time can get us the
approval needed from YOUR local cable company to broadcast our weekly conservative
television program in YOUR community at no cost! Half the battle of
winning our legislative campaigns is getting the facts to
Americans, and this TV show can help! Details
our program at YouTube
We have openings for interns at our office throughout the
year, not just for the summer! Learn or sharpen your
skills as a conservative activist while helping our activities to restore the
Constitutionally limited government the Founders intended.
Intern activities can include legislative research, television production,
website design and maintenance, grass-roots lobbying, computer projects, and much more.
We invite retired people or
anyone looking to volunteer for these and other projects
their time at our Vienna, VA office to contact us.
- For conservative political research
and lobbying internships,
please contact Charles Orndorff, the Administrative
Vice-Chairman at 703-938-9626 or write to Mr. Orndorff at The Conservative Caucus, 450 Maple
Avenue East, Suite 309, Vienna, VA 22180.
- For conservative TV production
internships, or website development, graphics and computer internships,
please contact Art Harman at the same
address and phone number. We can offer you experience in either or both
webmastering and television production!
We will be happy to put together a custom internship
experience for you from one or more of these categories.
Interested in helping with any of these
activities? Please contact Art Harman
or Charles Orndorff at 703-938-9626, or
write to The Conservative Caucus, 450 Maple
Avenue East, Suite 309, Vienna, VA 22180.