Published in
Washington Times July 18
(Media: contact 703-938-9626 or for interviews)
Wanted—The Truth!
Was Operation Fast & Furious
Simply a bungled attempt to capture
Mexican Drug Lords, or was it an “under the radar”
political scheme hatched at the White House
as now appears possible? That’s why we’re offering a
$100,000 Reward
For Verifiable Evidence of
White House
Involvement in Operation Fast & Furious that led
to the deaths of
US Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, and of Mexican
Was the real intent to create mayhem and havoc along
US-Mexican border so that the Obama Administration
could justify restricting Americans’ access to
Is this why the White House has invoked Executive
forcing the House of Representatives to vote to find
Attorney General Holder in contempt? If you have
evidence that President Obama or one of his aides
knew about
Operation Fast & Furious while it was underway,
Call 1-888-692-7374 toll free
This is your opportunity to save
yourself before
Operation Fast & Furious comes crashing down like
Don’t go to jail. Turn states evidence now just like
John Dean did.
The truth will come out. Will you be caught in the
web of
Operation Fast & Furious, or will you avoid jail
Make the right choice now.
Your information will be
treated in total confidence
Paid for by:
Americans for Truth & Justice
A Special Project of The Conservative Caucus
P.O. Box 166
Vienna, VA 22183
Get Your Senators, Representative and Candidates to Sign the
Petition to Repeal ObamaCare
Following the Supreme Court victory for ObamaCare, conservatives
must prepare now to repeal the bill in January.
Conservative Leader Blast Justices for
Supporting “Living Constitution”
Today’s Supreme Court decision upholding the
individual mandate and other key points of ObamaCare is a
shameful moment in constitutional history. In addition to
ignoring the clear constitutional violations in the mandate, the
decision will encourage this and future presidents and
Congresses to force upon Americans a never-ending list of
“Five Justices of the Supreme Court today handed President Obama
a massive victory for his promise to ‘fundamentally transform
America.’ By upholding the mandate, the Court creates a
dangerous precedent to impose unlimited mandates on the American
people for virtually any purpose,” said Peter J. Thomas,
Chairman of The Conservative Caucus.
A “living constitution” is the recipe for tyranny,” Mr. Thomas
warned, “and in today’s decision, Chief Justice Roberts
compromised with liberal Justices to preserve the mandate many
believe is unconstitutional.”
Due to this decision, conservatives must work harder than ever
for complete repeal of ObamaCare. We must also demand
conservatives in both the House and Senate vote for full repeal,
and in drafting a GOP reform bill not seek compromises with
Democrats which would only trim off a few elements. Drafting a
conservative reform bill should best wait until January when a
more conservative House and Senate may be seated.
A true reform bill would actually lower costs, restore consumer
choice, and get government out of managing our health care.
TCC has analyzed some elements which a successful plan should
A universal tax credit or voucher sufficient
for all Americans to buy a solid health insurance package
(exempting initially, Medicare, the VA, and companies who
still want to keep their plans for workers).
Create a national market where individuals
can buy from any insurance company.
Changes to insurance company practices (no
cherry picking, etc.).
Common-sense tort reform.
Allowing companies of any size to pool their
employees to get lower premiums (buy like Sam Walton did).
Support for health savings accounts, which
provide incentives for not using insurance for trivial
health concerns.
Rather than accept this defeat, this must become
a rallying cry for conservatives. We can repeal ObamaCare.
The Conservative Caucus rejects the Supreme
Court’s interpretation of the Constitution on ObamaCare.
Peter Thomas Selected as Chairman of
The Conservative Caucus
J. Thomas, one of the founders of The Conservative Caucus (TCC)
in 1974, is
the organization’s new Chairman. He has a long history of
activity in conservative politics, and as a political appointee
in Republican administrations going back to Ronald Reagan.
Thomas replaces Howard Phillips, who retired late last year.
Thomas thanked Howard Phillips for his many years of service to
TCC and for his unwavering support of Conservative issues.
Thomas went on to say his goal as Chairman is to restore the
Caucus as a grass roots lobbing force in the congressional
districts as well as on Capitol Hill.
Thomas served as TCC’s National Field Director from 1975-1981,
seeking to establish a grass roots network in each state and
congressional district. He played a key role in organizing
citizen opposition to the Panama Canal Treaties, the SALT II
Treaty, and the proposed Constitutional Amendment that would
have given the District of Columbia voting representation in
Congress. He later founded and served as President of the
Massachusetts Foundation for Economic Research.
President Reagan appointed him as the New England Regional
Administrator of the General Services Administration in 1981, a
position he held until 1985. Thomas returned to the Federal
government in 1990, working in the Small Business Administration
for two years. He gained first-hand experience with Congress as
Chief of Staff to Rep. Peter Torkildsen (R-MA) from 1995-1997.
He later served President George W. Bush in the Department of
Agriculture, rising to the position of Acting Assistant
Secretary for Administration.
The new TCC Chairman also has an extensive background in the
business sector, leading the consulting firm of Bay State
Strategies since 1997. Earlier he spent four years as Director
of Public Affairs for Papa Gino’s of America, a restaurant
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy
action organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating
the SALT II Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act,
blocking the Clinton health-care takeover, and persuading the
U.S. House of Representatives impeach President Clinton.
Key TCC Accomplishments
1974 to Present

How did YOUR Senators Vote?
Read TCCF's Senate Report
2012 Issue
2011 Issue
Please Help
Take action at our Repeal ObamaCare website, Get the Pledge Signed!

Can't get through on the main Capitol number
(202-224-3121? Call direct to Member's offices:
The Conservative Caucus is your 'Stop Obama's Agenda'
Headquarters. Your action can make a great difference as we gear up to
the most intense assault on our Constitutional form of
government. We must continue to fight to prevent tax hikes, inflation-inducing
spending, amnesty, 'global warming' laws and executive orders, disarmament/defense cuts,
ObamaCare, confirmation of left-wing & pro-abortion judges and justices, and many
other threats.
You are
invited to
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actions you can take,
(can you match the donations you made to candidates?), and
please ask your friends to join us too.