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"There are more instances of the abridgement of
freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by
violent and sudden usurpation." James Madison Repeal ObamaCare:
The House passed the bill to Repeal ObamaCare!!! All
Republicans voted for it plus 3 Democrats. Let's keep up the pressure on the Senate
to pass it. This is
more difficult as the White House cautions the Senate to refuse to allow a
vote to proceed, so calls, visits, faxes and emails are even more important. Pass the
word, burn up the phone lines and let's go for the big win! Call 202-224-3121 |
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Citizenship & amnesty for illegals, millions more 'guest' workers taking even more jobs from Americans. Crime, drugs, Mexican drug cartels invading the USA, billions of taxpayer dollars consumed in providing free services for illegals. Will Spanish be the official language in the U.S. in a decade or two? Let's push the new Congress to pass real border security. Existing stimulus funds can be directed to build hundreds of miles of border fence, we need more border patrol forces and to mandate that states and localities enforce existing immigration laws--no more "sanctuary cities." The American people rejected every past attempt at amnesty, so we can keep amnesty at bay--only if we keep the pressure on Congress. With the new Congress, we have a chance to increase border security, to build the full 2,000 mile border fence; and to increase penalties and require enforcement of existing laws. With your help, we defeated the last amnesty bill. Thank you and let's keep fighting until the day we have a 2,000 mile fence and no illegal aliens entering our nation. Be sure to write a letter of appreciation to your Senators if they voted to defeat amnesty in past votes, and write to the amnesty supporters to let them know Americans will still oppose amnesty if they try to bring it up again. Ask them to pass real border security only, including a 2,000 mile fence. During previous amnesty votes, Sen. DeMint's phone calls were 99% against amnesty, persuading him to line up enough other Republicans to vote "no" on the key votes. Grass roots lobbying works! Read the previous Senate amnesty vote lists.
Stop Amnesty Action Items:
Additional Resources:
"Based on my current research, I estimate that if all the current adult illegal immigrants in the U.S. were granted amnesty the net retirement costs to government (benefits minus taxes) could be over $2.5 trillion." Robert Rector Please help our vital campaigns, make your donation
now. Thank you! |
Unemployed Americans are fed up with millions of both legal and illegal immigrants taking their jobs and driving down American wages. Because President Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws and to build the full fence, and is still determined to pass amnesty so millions more illegals will be rewarded for walking across the open border; every state--especially the other border states--must pass similar legislation. Make it a campaign issue, ask candidates during campaign rallies, parades, town hall meetings. Write letters to the editor, call talk shows, blog it and email your friends! Arizona should also start building a continuous border fence with stimulus funds. The protests from illegal immigration advocates prove they know Arizona's new law will effectively reduce illegal immigration. Several states are also taking the lead with legislation to stop awarding automatic citizenship to children of illegals. You can help by contacting your state legislators and governor, and urging them to pass similar laws. Actions:
As the phony science supporting global warming is collapsing, and as global temperatures have fallen for a decade, Obama still wants YOU to pay confiscatory prices for the energy you need to heat and light your home, drive to work and school, and for every product and service you buy. It's all in the name of combating non-existent "global warming," but the real purpose is just to fuel government's appetite for our money, and force Americans to be more subservient to the god of Government. President Obama must be blocked by Congress from enacting by regulation or executive order any limits on carbon. You can help by contacting your Congressman and Senators, and urging them to block Obama from using executive orders and regulations to do what Congress sensibly won't: hike energy prices for Americans. Actions:
This year, President Obama has ordered the manned space exploration cancelled, and the Constellation rockets already in development be terminated. He is also scrapping the Space Shuttle program--ending any means for Americans to launch crew to the space station except by using Russian rockets for almost the same cost as the Shuttles. By scrapping the space program, the President is giving a head start of a decade or two to our adversaries and competitors. China has announced they are building a space station starting in 2011, building a "heavy lift" rocket in 2014, and going to the moon by 2017. Russia and other countries are also working to stake out leadership in space exploration. This is why we have founded the Coalition to Save Manned Space Exploration; a non-partisan group to inspire all Americans to pressure Congress to save the space program, and to go to the Moon, Mars and beyond as soon as possible. Action requested:
The economy of Puerto Rico has for decades been structured around the fact that their citizens pay no income taxes. Well that changes with the votes, for in addition to sewing a 51st star onto all our flags and making Spanish a de-facto official language, Puerto Ricans will for the first time feel the bite of income taxes. And suddenly many companies will cease to have an economic advantage to remain in Puerto Rico and leave. And the millions of citizens will be stuck with higher taxes in the economic crisis. But once the price of statehood hits, it's too late and Obama won't allow another vote to undo the mess they created. Quite in addition to the economic consequences of statehood are the very real consequences of further Balkanizing America into a completely bilingual nation, constantly split by language at a time when Americans need to be united as never before. There are 57 House RINOs who helped carry Obama's water on the statehood vote in the last Congress, and they should be targeted first. Those Republicans who think if they join Obama's scheme that somehow the GOP will get the credit for granting statehood are mistaken; the media will never carry that story; it'll only be Obama and gang getting the TV coverage. And the new liberal Senators and Congressmen will help prevent many GOP victories--perhaps what RINOs truly want, but not the American people. Let's stop the Statehood Trap now by blocking any attempt in this Congress to pass a successor to the old HR 1499. Information:
Action requested:
On Obama's radical agenda is to award Washington DC a leftist vote in Congress by giving full "voting rights" to DC's delegate, Eleanor Holmes Norton. This is completely unconstitutional, and has been defeated in the past. After a pro-Second Amendment amendment was added to the bill last year, the Democrat leadership decided to scrap the bill without a vote, and just the threat this year may keep the bill from being advanced to a vote. BUT stay alert, for the bill might be pushed hard after the election or it could be suddenly attached to a "must-pass" bill. This unconstitutional scheme must never be passed, and we urge you to call your Senators and Congressman at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vote NO on any bill which would award Washington D.C. an unconstitutional seat in Congress. Please read this excellent report for the full details and watch our television program on this issue. Please also call radio talk shows, asking listeners to call their Representatives too. Email and phone your friends to ask for their help as well. White House advisors recommended to President Bush that he veto the bill because they knew it was unconstitutional, but Obama will sign it regardless of the Constitutionality. This makes your phone calls even more important. Read the excellent series of responses to supporters of DC voting scheme by our Constitutional expert, Charles Orndorff--especially valuable for debating people on the subject, calling talk shows, writing letters to the editor, etc. GOP legislators should not fall for the fraud that an additional Congressman will be awarded to Utah, supposedly giving the GOP an extra member to 'balance' the Democrat member from DC. The fact is that during redistricting, the extra seat (only temporarily awarded to Utah) will likely go to a liberal in California as a result of massive illegal immigration, thus winning 2 new and permanent liberal seats from this deal. Please call your Senators, Congressman and call radio talk shows because the Democrats often put heavy pressure on their members to vote the "party line" or face heavy penalties. And ask your friends to visit this page and join the campaign as well. Additional actions:
I magine being faced with the death of a family member or relative; only to find the government wants to confiscate more than half of their estate.That means houses, life savings, farms, family businesses all must be sold just to pay the taxes, leaving the family broke and without the family business to provide a living. In short it is a scheme to make Americans less self-reliant and to punish the most hard-working Americans. Unfortunately Congress many years ago followed Lenin's dictates in the Communist Manifesto and enacted a confiscatory death tax, however under President Bush, Congress passed a temporary repeal for 2010 only. The last Congress passed a return to the Death Tax in the Lame Duck session; but we must insist on a complete repeal in the new Congress. We CAN take action now to make permanent the repeal of the death tax. Millions of Americans and small family businesses will be greatly punished now that the death tax rate was hiked dramatically in 2011. With your help we can spare families these taxes and save their savings, farms and businesses. Your help can make this happen. Additional Actions:
Europe used to have merely sky-high income taxes. Then they cut the income taxes a little and added a small "VAT" tax. Predictably they then hiked income taxes AND hiked the VAT tax to tremendous levels. Tax it when you make it AND tax it when you spend it. Now Obama is pushing to force Americans to pay not only income taxes and every other tax under the sun, but also a European-style VAT tax. And he wants Republicans to do the work of passing it for him in the name of lowering the deficit. VAT is short for "Value Added Tax" which is sort of like a sales tax but far more dangerous, and is hidden in the cost of products. Most important is that Americans are overtaxed and any new tax will just steal the income from struggling families and further harm the economy. The tax works by adding taxes to every product through every stage of its manufacture, processing, and sale; but you won't ever see the tax in the price as it will be built in to the cost. And you'll be paying the Feds double taxes--once when you earn money and again when you spend it. You can help block this Socialist scheme from being taken seriously by the new Congress by contacting your Congressman and Senators, and tell them Americans do not want more taxes at all, and especially do not want this dangerous VAT tax added onto every other tax we pay. The new Congress must resist appeals to balance the budget with this double-taxing scheme. Actions:
Resources and Action requested:
Town Hall Meetings are your opportunity to ask questions of your elected officials in public before witnesses and TV cameras. Attend and invite your friends too. Hold up signs. Invite friends, Tea Party activists, friends from church and everyone else to join you. Speak out. Demand honest answers. Be polite and respectful, but get your point across and ask for meaningful answers. Seek out the media and give interviews too. Be sure to video the entire meeting and post it online for all to see. Town hall meetings are usually held year-round, with increased frequency in August and whenever Congress is out of session. You can call your members of Congress for their schedule of town halls or find it on their website. You can also sign up for their email list to receive automatic emails giving you town hall schedules. Find the dates for town hall meetings by calling your
Congressman's and Senators' offices. The Senate and House Switchboard (202-224-3121) is often flooded and busy, so
call the offices directly from these lists: Campaign rallies and events are another opportunity to ask candidates and incumbents important questions in front of the public. Again, video these events You can also find town hall meetings from postcards sent to you from your Senators and Congressman or check on their websites at www.House.gov or www.Senate.gov. Take a group of friends with you if possible. Ask the tough questions: will they pledge to repeal ObamaCare? Vote against Amnesty, energy/climate tax hikes ("Cap and Tax"), VAT Tax, statehood for Puerto Rico, and other key issues. Video it and put the video on Youtube. Ask if they have read every page of the bill. Make copies of the most dangerous parts of these bills (look on the web or go to thomas.loc.gov) and distribute them to attendees. Hold up signs exposing their votes. Ask how they can justify raising the deficit by trillions more and imposing massive new taxes during the economic crisis. Ask if they would cancel their deluxe Congressional health plan and go on the government plan. Always be polite but be persistent to get an honest answer, not a brush-off or PR line. See if YOUR town hall video can make a hit on Youtube! The White House orchestrates staged and controlled rallies for their issues around the country. Info Go to: www.barackobama.com and enter your zipcode to find the events near you.
4. Call talk shows and write letters to the editor to ask others to help too. 5. Go to Tea Party events to show people in your community that they can make a difference. Ask people there to do these actions too. 6. Use the internet as best you can to spread the
word. Email everyone you know to ask for their help. Make short Youtube
videos to explain complicated issues like Socialized medicine/rationing and
energy tax bills. Write blogs, use social networking sites like Facebook and
Twitter to promote the message. Respond to blogs and news articles to tell the
truth. |
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