Political Events Calendar |
Visit the
Current Year's
Political Events Calendar
Let us publicize your 2010
or 2011 event!
TBA Many more Tea Parties,
Town Halls &
Grassroots Activities!
January 2010
January-February: Many "state of
the state" addresses by governors.
17 Obama visits Boston, not Haiti: Liberal campaign
rally 3:00 pm at Northeastern University, at Solomon Court
at the Cabot Center, 400 Huntington Ave., doors open at 1
January 19 Special general
Senate election in Mass.
January 20 First anniversary of
Obama presidency--help TCC STOP his Socialist agenda.
January 22 Attend the
for Life in Washington, DC. Join with 500,000+ people!
Walk in the March and attend the pro-life convention.
27 Obama's State of
the Union speech at 9
p.m. EST
January 27-31 Annual meeting of the World Economic
Forum in Davos Klosters, Switzerland. (one of the one-world
January 27-30 Republican
National Committee Winter meeting, at the Hilton Hawaiian
Village, Honolulu.
January 28-February 1 The National Association of Secretaries
of State hold their Winter Conference, JW Marriott hotel, Washington, DC
(ACORN & George Soros helped elect/appoint radical
secretaries of state to help ignore voter fraud)
28-30 House GOP members hold their annual (and
post-Massachusetts win) strategy conference in Baltimore at
the Marriott Inner Harbor.
January 30 Annual Alfalfa
Club Dinner is held in Washington DC. This is an elitist club and the dinner
and its jokes are closed to the media,
February 2010
February 1 National Freedom Day
February 2 Illinois
Primary Elections
February 4 National Prayer
Breakfast, Washington Hilton Hotel.
February 4-6 National Tea
Party Convention, Nashville, TN.
www.surgeusa.org Sarah Palin scheduled to speak.
February 11 Expect huge
pro-freedom demonstrations in Iran on the anniversary of the
fall of the Shah's government.
February 12 Abraham
Lincoln's Birthday.
February 15 "President's Day"
February 17 or 18 Obama to meet with the Dalai Lama.
February 18-20 CPAC 2010
will be held, featuring Ron Paul and other speakers at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in
Washington D.C. www.cpac.org
February 20-22 National
Governors Association holds their annual winter meeting,
Washington, DC nga.org
February 22 George Washington's Birthday. Honor our
first President & Founding Father!
February 25 Televised
Obama-GOP healthcare meeting. GOP must refuse traps to sign
on to Obama's agenda.
February 26-27 Federalist
Society's 29th Annual Student Symposium @ U. of PA,
February 27-March 2 National Religious Broadcasters
Convention, Nashville, TN.
March 2010
March 2 Texas Primary
March 4-5
March 5-6 The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) holds
it's 2010 Corporate Conference at CFR headquarters in New
York, NY.
March 6 Parliamentary
elections are held in Iraq.
11 51th anniversary of Chinese brutal invasion and
illegal occupation of Tibet. Expect protests, and
Chinese slaughter.
March 13 Kirby Wilbur
speaks at First Washington State Freedom Summit 2010, Hal
Holmes Community Center (Ellensburg) 209 North Ruby Street
Ellensburg, WA 98926 Brick & Becky Loomis 253-862-7224
March 16 Georgia Tech
Chapter of the College Republicans will host a forum on free
speech and religious liberty on campus, featuring Tech
alumni and former plaintiffs Orit Sklar and Ruth Malhotra
who won a First Amendment lawsuit against the Institute.
Student Center Theater – 350 Ferst Drive Atlanta, GA 30332
March 26 Target date for
Congressional Easter Break. Dems want to pass ObamaCare by
this date.
March 29-April 15 TeaParty
Express III, from Las Vegas to Washington, DC with many
stops along the way www.teapartyexpress.org
March 30 First Day of Passover
April 2010
April is Confederate History
Month in Virginia, by proclamation by Gov. McDonnell.
April (TBA) "Tax Freedom Day" The day you stop slaving for
government taxes and begin to earn for you and your family.
April 1 Iranian 'National
Day and Revolution Day.' Expect more protests to end the
April 4 Easter Sunday
April 8 Obama signs
unilateral disarmament treaty with Russia in Prague. Senate
confirmation unlikely but must be fought regardless.
April 8-11 The Southern
Republican Leadership Conference, meets in New Orleans
April 12-13 White House
Nonproliferation Summit (to discuss how to most
ineffectively respond to Iran, N. Korea and others; and to
offer hope to all dictatorships that the US will
unilaterally disarm).
April 13 Texas potential
run-off election
April 15 Tax Horror Day.
Work for the day when April 15 is just another pretty spring
day--abolish the income tax. Protest events and street
theater encouraged.
April 15 Tax Day Tea
Parties all over the country
April 15 Huge Tea Party at
the US Capitol in DC, many sponsors.
April 15 TeaParty Express
III arrives in DC for a huge rally
15 Tea Party at Ellipse in DC. freedomworks.org
April 16-17 Pennsylvania
Leadership Conference, Four Points Sheraton, Harrisburg, PA
April 16-18 The Clinton Global
Initiative University meets at the University of Miami,
Miami, FL. (Bill Clinton's internationalist organization)
April 17-18 Constitution
Party National Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
April 22 Expect protests and phony science to be in
the media on the annual "Earth Day." Obama may use the
occasion to push for expensive carbon/energy taxes.
April 24-25 World Bank &
IMF Spring Meetings in Washington, DC
May 2010
May Scheduled Annual EU-US
Summit in Madrid, Spain--but Obama further snubs Europe by
refusing to go!
May 1 White House Correspondents
Dinner, Washington Hilton Hotel. Many celebs and VIPs
May 4 Primary
Elections in IN, NC & OH.
May 6 National
Day of Prayer
May 6 Ron Paul speaks in
May 6 UK
May 7-8
Catholic Prayer Breakfast, Washington, DC
May 7-9 Annual Meeting of
the Trilateral Commission in Dublin, Ireland.
May 10-11 World Economic Forum
on Europe meets in Brussels, Belgium
May 11 Primary Elections
in NE, WV
May 14-16 Campaign for Liberty's
regional conference in Iowa
15 Andrews Air Force Base, MD Huge air show!
May 16-18 4th
International Conference on Climate Change "Science vs.
Alarmism" by the Heartland Institute. Chicago, IL
May 18 Primary Elections
in AR, KY, OR, PA.
May 25 Primary Elections
in Idaho.
May 28-31 The Libertarian
Party National Convention will be held in St. Louis, MO, at
the Renaissance St. Louis Grand and Suites Hotel.
31-June 11 UN Climate meeting in Bonn, Germany. This
is a smaller-scale meeting to pave the way for the big COP
16 meeting in December.
May 31 Memorial Day
June 2010
June TBA G-20 Summit will
meet in Canada.
June 1 Primary Elections
in AL, MS, NM.
June 3-6 The
Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain (one of
the top one-world organizations)
June 4 21st anniversary of Tiananmen Square, which
almost brought freedom to Red China. May they succeed
in 2010!
June 8 Primary Elections
in CA, IA, ME, MT, NV, NJ, ND, SC, SD, VA.
June 14 Flag Day:
our flag and the liberties it represents.
June 15-16 Eagle Forum
Collegians Leadership Summit, Washington, DC.
June 19 Pope Benedict XVI holds
the World Meeting of Priests
June 22 Primary Elections
in Utah.
June 25-26 G8 Summit in Canada
July 2010
4 Independence Day. Educate people on the
importance of independence and sovereignty, and the dangers
of 'globalism,' 'internationalism,' etc.
4 Conservative "Soiree" in Virginia.
Free but bring a dish to share. 12-4
4 Got a 4th of July event? We'll post it here.
July 9-12 National
Governors Association holds their national meeting in Boston
July 17-20 The National Association of Secretaries
of State hold their Summer Conference, at the Westin
Providence, Providence, RI (Secretaries of state are
key in preventing voter fraud)
July 20 41st Anniversary of the Moon Landing by Apollo
11. Mankind's Greatest Technical Achievement. American
expertise, ingenuity and determination challenged the
highest goals--and won!
July 20 Primary Elections
in Georgia.
July 27 Primary Elections
in Oklahoma.
August 2010
Attend Town Hall Meetings and
Campaign Events: Ask tough questions and demand honest
answers. Video them and put on the web.
August 3 Primary Elections
in KS, MI, MO.
August 5 Primary Elections
in TN.
august 5-8 ALEC's Annual
Meeting, San Diego.
August 10 Primary
Elections in CO, CT.
August 16 Americans for
Prosperity holds a "welcome" rally for President Obama at
5:30 PM at Westlake Park in downtown Seattle
August 17 Primary
Elections in WA, WY.
August 24 Primary
Elections in AK, FL.
August 27-28
Americans for Prosperity Foundation’s 4th annual
Defending the American Dream Summit, at the Marriott
Wardman Park Hotel in Washington D.C.
August 28 Congressional
Primary Elections in Louisiana.
August 28 Glen Beck's
Restoring Honor Rally at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington,
DC Info:
August 31 Primary
Elections in Arizona.
September 2010
Attend Campaign Events and ask tough questions and demand honest
answers. Video them and put on the web. Show your strength
at Tea Party events and rallies.
Get candidates to sign the
Pledge to Repeal ObamaCare:
September Elections in
Venezuela - Chavez might lose majority in parliament.
September 4 Primary
Elections in Guam.
September 6 Labor Day
September 9-10 March on
DC events:
September 9-12 Blog Con
bloggers conference by Freedomworks at Sheraton Crystal
City, VA
September 11 Primary
Elections in Virgin Islands.
September 11 Patriot Day
September 11 Unite in
Action March on DC
September 11 9-11
mosque rally in NYC near WTC site.
September 12 Tea Party in
Washington DC. Info:
September 12-15 State
Policy Network's Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH
September 14 Primary
Elections in DC, MD, MA, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI.
September 15-16 FAIR's annual
"hold their feet to the fire" event & radio row.
September 17 The
Conservative Caucus holds our Constitution Day Event. in
Rosslyn, VA at 7pm with Del. Bob Marshall.
September 17-19 Values
Voter Summit, Washington, DC
September 18 Primary
Elections in Hawaii.
September 22 The Young
Alumni Association of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute
holds "Conservatism on Tap" on "Is There a Conservative
Tradition in America?" 7:00 p.m. at The District Chophouse,
509 7th Street NW, Wash. DC RSVP:
28 Big Obama rally in Madison, WI at the Univ. of
Wisc. at Library Mall, 6:30pm. Attend rally or hand out
fliers/protest outside of security perimeter. Info: my.barackobama.com
October 2010
Attend Campaign Events and ask tough questions and demand honest
answers. Video them and put on the web.
Get candidates to sign the
Pledge to Repeal ObamaCare:
October 2 Congressional
runoff & statewide Primary Elections in Louisiana.
October 2 2010 Republican
Roundup in Glen Allen, VA.
October 4 Pro Life
Memorial Day -- marking the start of the new Supreme Court
session. Events in DC and nationwide.
October 8-10 Virginia Tea
Party Patriots Convention, with Ron Paul and other speakers.
Richmond, VA. Richmond Convention Center
10 September 28 Big Obama rally in Philadelphia.
October 11 Columbus Day: Celebrate the exciting discovery of the New
World which led to the founding of the greatest nation on
Earth, the United States of America!
October 16 Young Americans
for Freedom's West Coast 50th Anniversary Celebration, Hyatt
Regency Irvine, 17900 Jamboree Road Irvine, CA 92614
October 17 September
28 Big Obama rally in Ohio. Info: my.barackobama.com
October 21 "Marxism in
America" a conference by America's Survival. National Press
Club, Washington, DC Info:
October 22 September
28 Big Obama rally in Las Vegas. Info: my.barackobama.com
October 25-30 Christian
Filmmakers Academy and Film Festival, San Antonio, TX,
sponsored by Vision Forum.
October 30 Far-left-wing rally
in DC led by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
November 2010
November Lame
Duck session of Congress to try to force through Obama's
socialist agenda with current Congress.
November NATO Summit,
Lisbon, Portugal
November 1 2nd to last
space shuttle launch, Cape Kennedy.
November 2 Election Day
November 3-14 Obama
"Apology Tour" trip to Indonesia, India, South Korea and
Japan. The President also attends the G-20 summit.
November 5-7 North
American Regional Meeting of the Trilateral Commission,
Monterrey, Mexico.
November 9 21st Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin
Wall! Freedom won!
November 11-12 G-20 Summit
will meet in Seoul S. Korea.
& www.g20.org
November 12-13
Constitution Party Fall National Meeting, Fort Worth, Texas
November 15 Lame Duck
Congressional Session Begins
November 18-20 Federalist
Society National Lawyers Convention
November 19-20 Virginia
RPV GOP Advance Event, Hilton McLean Tysons Corner
November 22 Filing
deadline for Chicago's Mayor's race.
November 25 Thanksgiving
November 29-December 1 World Economic
Forum Summit on the Global Agenda, Dubai, United Arab
December 2010
29-December 10 The next UN globaloney 'climate
change' conference (also called COP 16 or UNFCCC) meets in
Mexico City. Official website: cop16.mx
December 2-3 The
Americano's Hispanic Forum: Sharing American Liberty
with Hispanics Around the Globe" Sponsored by Newt
December 7 Pearl
Harbor Day. America must remain ever alert and willing
to fight back against any and all foes.
December 8-10 The
National Conference of State Legislature's Fall Forum is
held in Phoenix.
December 10 Rally in
support of jailed Chinese Nobel Peace Prize Laureate,
Liu Xiaobo, Prominent Congressional and human rights
leaders will speak. Location: Victims of Communism
Memorial, Massachusetts Ave. and New Jersey Ave.,
Washington, DC. 11am-12pm.
December 25
Christmas Day Keep Christ in Christmas!
No man's life, liberty, or
property are safe while the legislature is in session -
Gideon J. Tucker in Final
Accounting in the Estate of A. B. (1866)
Got an event?
Let us know!
TCC does not necessarily endorse these events but lists them
as a public service for you.
Accuracy cannot be promised, check first.
Current Year's Events Calendar
2010 Events Archive | 2009 Events
2008 Events Archive |
2007 Events Archive
Volunteer Opportunities |
invite you to look at our many opportunities for
conservatives to lend a hand towards restoring our
Constitutional Republic. We have projects you can do
from home, school, or at our headquarters. |
It takes only a moment to
sign up
to receive our legislative alert emails!
There are many ways YOU can help from home or
university, or from our office.
Here are the most important ways you can help.
- Citizen Lobbying: You are
invited to be a citizen lobbyist, helping on our
Legislative Action Items
using a variety of Citizen Lobbying Methods.
Check out the issues and help any way you can, and encourage your friends to
help as well. Contact us for more ideas, and be sure to
sign up to receive our
legislative alert emails.
- Webmaster and/or Blog Volunteer Assistant:
If you have experience with
webmastering, blogging or computer graphics, you can assist in updating and improving
our websites. We maintain a great many links to Congress, for example,
which must be frequently updated, and you can create new graphics and
special effects. You can solicit reciprocal links from other
conservative and political sites. You can work from home on many web
projects to make our site more effective, and you will receive recognition
for your efforts. The website promotion projects described below (WEB
valuable as well.
- Television Production Volunteer Editor: Are you skilled
in video editing and special effects? Voice overs? Assistance in creating custom
footage, logos, and animations for our weekly conservative television program
and other video projects would be greatly
appreciated, and you will receive credit in the show. Experience in Premiere
Pro, Final
Cut, After Effects, Avid is useful.
- Television Volunteer Videographer:
We are looking for video footage to which
you shot or own the rights concerning Tea Parties, Town Hall meetings,
patriotic events, the Mexican border, China, Washington,
DC, 'small town Americana,' active and closed factories, NASA space
launches, and other areas and things for
upcoming projects. Let us know what you have or can shoot for us. You will receive credit in the show.
- Media Research Volunteer Assistant: There are many media-related
projects you can do from home, such as assistance in promoting news
conferences, compiling and updating contact lists of reporters, etc.
You can even call reporters and find their interests. Skills:
familiarity with how to use the media, willingness to do a lot of phone and
web research.
- Voting Record Volunteer Researcher: Your time spent in
researching and compiling voting records on important issues can make a
great difference in educating voters on how their elected officials actually
vote. The results will appear in our website, publications, and even
in the media. Much of the research can be done on the internet, and
for some information you may need to call Congressional offices and
policy organizations.
- Publications Volunteer Assistant: Do
you have graphic/page layout interests and skills? Writing skills? We
have newsletters and web content you may be able to create or improve.
- Other Research Projects: Research of people and organizations in
the news may help identify additional coalition members for
our projects.
- Fundraising: We can pay commissions for fundraising, whether large or
small amounts.
Interested in helping with any of these
activities? Please contact Art Harman
or Charles Orndorff at 703-938-9626, or
write to The Conservative Caucus, 450 Maple
Avenue East, Suite 309, Vienna, VA 22180.
There are many volunteer projects we need help with at our
headquarters in Vienna, VA. These include research projects, clerical support
tasks, web and video projects, and many other projects, all of which contribute greatly to our
Interested in helping at
our office? Please contact Art Harman
or Charles Orndorff at 703-938-9626, or
write to The Conservative Caucus, 450 Maple
Avenue East, Suite 309, Vienna, VA 22180.
Do you like this site? Has it been valuable
for you? Wouldn't you like others to find us too? Read how just a few minutes of
your time every month, week or even every day can make a big difference!
Cutting the size and power of government is a goal we all share.
We are looking for volunteers to help even more conservatives find and use our
great resources. Here's a few ways you can be of great help:
- E-Mail your friends and associates about our sites:
www.howardphillips.com -- tell them how much YOU
like it, and suggest they visit.
- Go to your favorite
blogs, chat rooms, news groups, and forums/discussion
web sites like Free Republic,
Tea Party and Ron Paul forums -- particularly those you visit regularly anyway -- and post
messages about how valuable YOU have found this site, or post messages about
our articles and TV shows which you want others to know about too. Include the link to our site
and/or a specific page. Newspaper sites often have comments sections on
each news story where you can leave comments related
to the topic. Note: news stories linked from the Drudge
Report reach millions of viewers, where you can
leave on-topic remarks and links.
- Webmasters: We would be grateful if you would add a link to
us on any web pages which you run. Here's some graphics you can use:
Mini Logo: 96x26 pixels |
Standard size
banner: 468x60 pixels Click for full size |
Just copy the graphic and link
the banner to http://www.conservativeusa.org
- List our websites in church bulletins and political newsletters.
- Next time you go to a local political or civic group or club, announce our address to
the group, or make up a simple flier and hand out copies.
- Let students and teachers
know they can find lots of political information
here--great for research projects! We also have a good section of
historical U.S. documents including a few which are hard to
- Watch our videos on
Youtube, send your friends the links, add links to
websites and Facebook/Myspace etc. pages, and blog about
the show.
Thank you for your interest in helping more people learn about our valuable resources.
Please let us know if you are helping on any of these projects, or any other ways
you are using the resources at our site.
Left-wing organizations often
receive millions of dollars in taxpayer grants, and they
also enjoy favorable coverage from the liberal media.
Conservative organizations therefore rely even more on the
generosity of individual Americans like you. This year we
are in need of even greater donations to stop Obama's
radical agenda.
Donations of
money or
computers and other items are an extremely valuable way you can assist our efforts to
cut government power, slash taxes, and restore our Constitution. Please help!
We produce a nationwide conservative television program using a
volunteer crew. If you live in the Washington D.C. area and have experience or a
strong interest in television production, editing, motion pictures, theater, audio recording, radio,
photography, church a/v, lighting, makeup, music composition, voice overs,
special effects, and related fields; let us know because we are looking for
additional volunteers. We can even provide some training. Use your skills to advance the
conservative cause!
About the
conservative TV program | Got
broadcast video or audio equipment to donate? |
Contact us for more information
Find out how a few minutes of your time can get us the
approval needed from YOUR local cable company to broadcast our weekly conservative
television program in YOUR community at no cost! Half the battle of
winning our legislative campaigns is getting the facts to
Americans, and this TV show can help! Details
our program at YouTube
We have openings for interns/fellows at our office for
this Fall, and Winter -- and for any period throughout the
year! Learn or sharpen your
skills as a conservative activist while helping our activities to restore the
Constitutionally limited government the Founders intended.
Intern activities can include legislative research, television production,
website design and maintenance, grass-roots lobbying, computer projects, and much more.
Current issues include saving the space program, repealing the ObamaCare bill
and much more.
We invite retired people and
anyone looking to volunteer for these and other projects
their time at our Vienna, VA office to contact us.
- For conservative political research
and lobbying internships,
please contact Charles Orndorff, the Administrative
Vice-Chairman at 703-938-9626 or write to Mr. Orndorff at The Conservative Caucus, 450 Maple
Avenue East, Suite 309, Vienna, VA 22180.
- For conservative TV production
internships, or website development, graphics and computer internships,
please contact Art Harman at the same
address and phone number. We can offer you experience in either or both
webmastering and television production!
We will be happy to put together a custom internship
experience for you from one or more of these categories.
Interested in helping with any of these
activities? Please contact Art Harman
or Charles Orndorff at 703-938-9626, or
write to The Conservative Caucus, 450 Maple
Avenue East, Suite 309, Vienna, VA 22180.